2. FT-IR/FT-NIR Spectrometer
  3. FT-IR/FT-NIR Spectrometer
  4. Accessories
  5. MIR Accessory

Multiple Sampling Options For MIR Analysis

MIRacle™, a universal ATR sampling kit to analyze solids, liquids, pastes, gels and intractable materials addressing the most common samplings

Standard Open Sample Compartment.

The arid-zone open sample compartment of the MB3000 addresses all the needs of the modern analytical laboratory. It can hold a wide variety of easily swappable ABB or third-party accessories that do not require alignment.

  1. Single Bound ATR (ZnSe, Ge, Diamond)
  2. Multi Bound ATR (ZnSe, Ge, Diamond)
  3. Horizontal ATR
  4. Standard Transmission Sampling Kit
  5. Evcuable Pellet Press for 13mmm Pellets-
  6. Demountable liquid cell (KBr, CaF2, ZnSe)
  7. Gas Cell
  8. VeeMAX II
  9. Beam Condenser 4x
  10. uMAX Microscope
  11. MIR ATR Probe (ZnSe, Diamond, ZrO2)
  12. with SMA connector

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